Write your Own Job Description

I know everything that I do everyday – all the roles I fulfil or the activities I must complete along with the research I must do and the client support and workshops I must deliver – it’s simple. I wish! Everyday is different from the next as situations arise, problems and opportunities occur, on top of all the day-to-day planning, delivery and activity that is necessary. Now is your chance to create an accurate record of your…

Positive People

For many years I have talked about the MOOD HOOVERS – those people in our lives that no matter what the situation will absorb your positive energy and suck up any happy feeling you have. Many of you have your own names for these people, ranging from “Energy Vampires” and “Dream Stealers” to “The Negatives” and “Parasites”.  We all know they are around us more often than we would like them to be. By contrast, what…

The Bailout

The following story was sent through by a friend and colleague Will Kintish and to be honest it really does make sense. Is this story the true translation and interpretation for quantitive easing? I have to say it did help me understand the reality of countries releasing more money into the market place and why they are doing it. It is written with much humour and cynicism but makes such simple sense – so please…


This is something we all have to deal with in various guises every day throughout our lives. Sometimes it can be the simple ‘no’ on your lottery numbers or the petrol station is out of fuel and you have to go limp on to the next station vs. the bigger rejections of a professional or personal manner. The big ones can really hurt when taken personally however in business nine times out of ten it…

The Night Sweats

OMG its 4am,  you get back into bed after a quick trip to  the bathroom and the night sweats kick in – your mind wakes up. This is the third time this week, what has caused it this time? Is it the proposal you’ve been working on, the investment property issue, the kids’ school work, the school trips or s fees, or how you are going to pay this month’s mortgage or rent?  Money matters,…

Professional B.O.

How would you rate your Business Odour? Is it helping or hindering your development and success? In your personal and professional life are you giving off the right aura that draws quality people and situations to you? Success is not just about looking the part through your body language and presence it is also about believing you have what it takes, your intentions reveal your greatness and because of this, opportunities are automatically drawn towards…

Lone Wolf or Team Player

Do you play on your own or do you need a team around you to fully motivate you? A lone wolf is someone that works and exists independently rather than with others as a member of a team. They have a strong preference for independence and doing most things on their own. By contrast the team player needs the interaction of others to assist their own personal performance – we all know the cliché that…

Trust your Instinct!

When I consider the word ‘trust’ I immediately think of my children or money i.e. who would I trust to look after my children and who would I entrust management of my money to? When you are considering the personal arena of trust it is so much easier to articulate and describe what it means to you as you can truly feel it in with your gut instinct. Personal trust has lifelong impact and meaning….

Are You Living or Just Existing?

Which of these statements best reflects your way of thinking “goal setting gives you something to live” or “achieving your goals helps you to feel alive”? Remember that great feeling? – You know, the one when you feel truly energised, self righteous and bullet proof? Generally it happens when you have achieved something, it might not be particularly special but it means a great deal to you. That’s when you’re living! Now ask yourself the…

How to Create a Compelling Presentation

How many conferences and events have you been to where you have been preached at by someone in a pinstripe suit, drowning you with countless volumes of PowerPoint slides? Most people that stand up at a conference are brilliant at what they do – they are truly experts in their field and have more knowledge than they could be possibly share with you the audience in half a lifetime, let alone their current allocated time…