Is it just me?

There are times when I find I’m constantly pushing, getting frustrated and waiting for something but nothing appears to be happening – no matter how much effort I put in it just doesn’t seem to be working – or is that just me? There are times when business appears to go in cycles without any rhyme nor reason, sometimes you can’t seem to make any inroads and then other times everything just turns to gold – or is that just me?

Persistence is one of those annoying phrases coaches, mentors and the more experienced or older people say, stick at it nothing ever came good without a little effort first! Therein lies the challenge, despite your best intention your best efforts someone else comes along and just walks off with the crown jewels appearing to make no effort at all, and it just doesn’t seem to be fair!

If we spend our lives just watching the outliers – the extremes of success or failure, we miss where the majority will be working and grafting. Consider the fact of probability of success of winning a lottery prize of several million, the numbers are known to be very small, the odds work out at millions to 1, but still every week millions of people gamble hard earned cash on the off chance that they could be the next winner? When you look at the probability of success in business, the numbers are not millions to 1 for success, you are more in charge of the potential success and it isn’t just a onetime decision that is made i.e. the roll of those lotto balls.

I know we can all be guilty of wishing and dreaming without taking action, wouldn’t it be great if….. I wish ……. If only …… I know that is not just me. I’ve lied to my coaches, hidden the truth from my support team and avoided the direct answer to straight questions that needs to be answered because I’ve been too embarrassed to face the truth – is that just me? I don’t think so.

In the world of personal development and accountability no behavioural change can or will happen without an emotional connection – it’s not just me. Finding the true reason to take action or make a difference is not easy to uncover, we know what would be great to do or to have done but finding the stepping stones to make that emotional connection is where many a creative idea or entrepreneurial thought becomes just a memory.

What’s the answer, simple – get the right people to support you. Not those that will just say nice things about you, but people who you respect, have a little bit of fear of and people that you would never lie to or want to let down, personally that environment is one that makes me strive more, work harder and have more fun along the way.

My behaviour has changed dramatically and I know it will for many others, the focus is not on winning the lottery it’s on making a difference to people that will benefit from what I deliver, my work and involvement changes lives – finding the emotional connection can make all the difference in your struggle for success, it’s not just me – time to get the right people in your team. Ask me if I can help, if I can’t I will know someone who might be able to.

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